Because Let’s Be Real… Covid-19 Has Changed The Way We Work.


Well hello there. Welcome back to the Because let’s be real podcast blog. This weeks podcast was recorded at the height of lock-down with our very own train napping legend Hannah McCarthy as host. It was a very easy decision to talk about this topic because lock-down has dramatically changed how we all work, much more for some, but still, this pandemic has greatly affected everyone and taught us that sometimes being at work helps a lot. 

“I’m a little creative sausage’

Nothing prepared us for lock-down. Work decreased and businesses closed leaving two of us furloughed along with the majority of the country – of the world even. While some of us have been enjoying and making the most of our time off, others have still been working hard and doing all they had to do in the office from the comfort of their home. Just a quick thank you to all of the front-line workers who have been working your butts off to help those affected by Covid-19, whilst doing their routine jobs as well. Superheroes!

Also, can we just take a moment to praise Zoom, bringing everyone together through lock-down 2020.

There does come a time, especially when we are all so used to working with certain people, where we miss the chatter of colleagues. It’s going from seeing them to not basically and this can affect different people in different ways. For some, like our Laura Rendle, it is a chance to work closer with other staff members in different branches of the same company that she works for with the council, whereas with Maria’s job going from seeing a lot of people to seeing one person was a shock to the system and it has come to our attention that you do have more people messaging or getting in contact just to check in (now that we have the time) to make sure that you are OK and actually meaning it. It makes the world of difference if someone is having a bad day. And we can all agree, that for some people lock-down has been difficult regarding mental health. 

“I LOVE my lie ins”

We all have to travel to work, for some of us we can roll out of bed, head to the other room and sit down at our desks ready to start the day. Some of us have eventful travels into work where we try not to get blown over by the ‘seaside breeze’. Hannah has, out of all of us, the longest commuting time, from where she lives right into the heart of London, does she miss it? No she does not. To have those extra few minutes to yourself in the morning before you have to get up and be ready to start your day makes the world of difference. Safe to say, everyone is making the most out of being at home.

“I wouldn’t change my job for the world, I absolutely love it”

Do you have trouble switching off from work, now that your work spaces are essentially where you like to relax and unwind from the work life, which of course for those not furloughed and working from home must be very difficult to not keep going and to keep answering just one more e-mail. Is it a comfort knowing that when you are in the office you can just get up and leave at the end of the day and have that time on the way home to just start to unwind and then you can fully relax when you get home. We applause the mums, dads and guardians who still have to work whilst looking after their families.

Laura Rendle
“This might be a nightmare for some people”

What is it like with partners during lock-down? We could all agree that as enjoyable as it is it can also be really hard, especially if you are both working from home. Of course you are going to want to make the most of the time you have together before we are thrown back into our work lives.

“It is memories that we’re going to make that we wouldn’t have otherwise made”

Don’t forget to have the time for yourself and being cooped up with one person for too long can take it’s toll. It’s important to make time for yourself. And if you have any gamer partners, do not steal the controllers so you can have peace and quiet, they will not thank you for it. 

Five Real Women,
Five Real Lives,
Endless Real Talk.

Twitter: BLBRtweets
Instagram: @becauseletsbereal 

– Don’t forget to enter our big giveaway over on our Instagram. The deadline is the 10th of July 2020 at 10am, open to UK entrants only. Enter Here

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